ATTiny1616 Can Bus Controller PCB


Over the last few months, we have been working on several prototypes, and some of our regular visitors may recognise some parts of this PCB. But let us begin by telling you what this is about.

As many of you may know, we have already designed several Can-Bus-related development boards, including one based on the ATTiny1616… So why the repeat then? Well, in some of my previous projects, I hinted at combining a buck converter, boost converter, lipo cell charger and Ideal Diode circuit into one PCB. I did at that time not tell you why.

To make a long story short, this project will eventually be used in my car, to provide more modern cabin lighting, which is quite a bit more than the standard on-or-off and on-when-open-the-door, off-when-close-the-door type of thing…

I own an old Honda City that I use mainly for a run-around to and from the farm, as well as seeing clients… Roads are bad, and this older car (actually quite old – 22 years) is the most cost-effective, in terms of being able to repair by myself, and not be worried about it if it gets a bit abused.

Unfortunately, the technology in the car is dated… a single yellowish cabin light right in the centre of the cabin – and not bright at all. Having to use the car at night, and then frequently scratching around in equipment bags when arriving at a client, becomes a pain with bad light… So I have decided to give it a bit of an upgrade and add CAN-bus-controlled NEO-Pixels to the cabin. For now, let’s say three sets, left, right and centre of the cabin. I also prefer a red light at night over white, especially if I have to drive again soon afterwards – a simple remnant from my days in the military, where it became quite clear how white light can temporarily damage your night vision.

NeoPixels can also be dimmed/brightened and seem relatively inexpensive.

Let us take a closer look at exactly what I want to do…

Powering the module

For the sake of clarity, this particular module will be installed front and centre in the cabin, just behind the rearview mirror. It will control two sets of 8 neopixels ( or up to 12 per module ) on two separate PCBs, which will cover the driver and front passenger area of the cabin.

The module will be powered by the vehicle’s 12v battery, as well as from a single 18650 Lipo cell. This means that we would need some clever tricks, in the form of a buck converter to step down the 12v to 5v, a way to monitor and recharge the lipo cell, a boost converter to boost the lipo cell voltage back up to 5v as well as a voltage “OR-ing circuit” to prevent reverse charging the lipo cell etc…

In its current state, the PCB is to be considered a test rig, since I have quite a few unknown variables that need to be thoroughly tested before actually installing this thing into a vehicle.

These are :
1) I would like to know if the ideal diode chip that I used functions well when used in a parallel setup, The reason for that is, that a single chip is capable of just about 1A of current… thus, in my reasoning, placing 3 in parallel would give me the 3A capability that I require – Let’s see if it does…
I could also not get hold of a suitable 3A capable ideal diode chip that was cost-effective, or did not have some strange MOQ or other logistics issues ( Yeah, seems like getting some stuff in SE Asia is difficult unless you are willing to pay unnecessary “special” charges and import duties etc … Element14 ( not sponsored) seems to have a limited selection of ideal diode solutions, but their pricing is good, and there are minimum hassles with shipping etc… I don’t bother with the other two big suppliers, D…. and M…. as they have too much red tape for a hobbyist to navigate to make it cost-effective to shop from them.))

2) Providing that the ideal diode solution does work as expected ( on the PCB) – having tested it on a breadboard seems to be working fine, there is the issue of monitoring the lipo cell, getting it charged, controlling the boost converter to provide power when needed etc…

All of this means that all the separate circuit modules on the PCB can be enabled or disabled by jumpers, and later, if all works as expected, maybe by another controller PCB… Who knows?

Getting back to power the PCB, I have used my standard buck converter circuit, based around the MP9943. This circuit seems to be very reliable, provides enough current, and is cost-effective.

I have also provided an auxiliary voltage output ( 5v) and some telemetry and control capability to the buck converter circuit, in the form of an enable-disable jumper, and the PG signal from the chip, to maybe be interfaced with a microcontroller later.

Charging the Lipo Cell

Once again, I made use of an existing circuit, with which I have had a lot of success in the past. This circuit, based on the MCP73832 from Microchip ( not sponsored) served me quite well in previous projects, and is once again, cost-effective and easy to implement. One negative is that they do seem to be a bit finicky, and not extremely robust – but when they work, they excel at it…

Once again, I decided to provide control logic to enable or disable this part of the circuit completely if needed.

Supply “OR-ing” circuit

This is the most experimental part of this entire circuit board, since, as mentioned above, the MAX40200 is rated at 1A maximum current. It is tiny and cheap, and also readily available… I am hoping that by using them in parallel I can achieve my goal of allowing the full 3A of current to flow from the buck converter, without releasing any “magic smoke” or other issues…

While, at the time of writing, I have not yet received the PCB, I am positive that all may just be fine, it remains to be seen how this will turn out during actual testing of the board.

Note that I have used a total of 6 of these, U8 to U11, with 3 per “voltage/current supply” channel. J3 and J4 are used to enable or disable the two supplies, with J3 being the buck converter input, in turn, powered from the vehicle 12v supply, and J4 begin the output from the boost converter, powered by the Lipo cell.

Boost converter circuit and MCU power

The boost converter is based on the MP3423, also from Microchip ( not sponsored). This circuit also performed very well in my initial test projects, with the only issue being it extremely tiny footprint, which really makes it quite difficult to use in a hobby environment, even with hot air and reflow equipment available… It is however also quite cheap, and readily available…

J5 provides enable-disable control to this part of the circuit.

With this relatively complicated power supply circuit, I thought it necessary to be able to completely isolate the ATTiny1616 and other integrated circuits from any power until I am completely sure everything works as planned…

J6A and J6B thus form a complete electrical isolation “breaker” that will prevent any voltage being provided to the microcontroller and other components on the PCB. I have doubled up on these jumpers, to allow for sufficient current flow, since I plan to use quite a few NeoPixels on this PCB… With up to 60mA of current required per pixel, that quickly adds up…

Voltage monitoring

Provision was made to monitor the output voltages of the Lipo Cell, and buck and boost converters by using the analog inputs on the ATTiny1616. These can be selected by setting the jumpers on J9, J10 and J11

Alternatively, the analog inputs can be used for other applications be leaving the jumpers off, in which case these GPIO’s will be available on H6 as PA4, PA5 and PA7

The ATTiny1616 microcontroller and UPDI programming port

The heart of this PCB is the ATTiny1616 microcontroller, (microchip, not sponsored)

I decided to use the chip once again due to its low cost, as well as the fact that I do not need a very powerful processor for this application. The only issue is that requires UPDI programming. In my case, I have had no issue with that yet, but other readers did mention that they had issues with them…

The UPDI header is at H1. This header can also be used to power the processor and other integrated circuits on the PCB independently from the Power supply, like in the case where J6A and J6B are left unconnected. This use case will provide me with more testing opportunities to test the board without possible variables from the power supply circuit(s).

Peripherals like I2C and the UART were broken out onto headers H3 for I2C, H4 for UART. These can also be used as GPIO pins ( remember to disable the I2C pullup in J1)

CAN-Bus Support

CAN-Bus support is provided by the MCP2515 (U2) and TJA1050 (U3) chips.

With access to the MCP2515 GPIO pins on H5. J2 is a 120ohm termination resistor, usually enabled at the start and end of the bus to prevent reflections.

CAN-0 is connected to the bus.
An additional 12v input/output header is provided at H7

NeoPixel Header H2

The NeoPixel strips are connected to H2. They are controlled from GPIO PA6 on the ATTiny1616. I have designed around a total of 24 of these at a maximum, with a total current requirement of 1.4A ( 24 x 60mA max per pixel / 1000 = 1.44 A) .

One important fact to know about NeoPixels is that the consume about 1mA per pixel even when in the OFF state. This is due to the internal control chip requiring power to operate. While 1mA bay be a very small amount of current, a lot of them does however quickly add up, and can thus potentially drain a battery completely over time…

To prevent this from happening, I have included a PMOS switch on the VCC pin at H2. This means that no power will be fed to the Neopixel strips unless you specifically pull GPIO PC1 low.

Manufacturing the PCB

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to who will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here

Assembly and Testing

This project has a lot of specific details regarding testing and assembly.
Therefore I have decided to put all of that in a separate post, that you can access

A Student designed ESP8266 Dev Board

This is a student-designed ESP8266 Dev board. This project came along after I challenged some final-year students at our local high school to try to design their own PCBs. They had recently assisted me in a collaboration with the Mushroom House Controller project, and while we were talking about electronics, the idea of a challenge came up, to stimulate some interaction.

One of them was extremely confident that he could do it, providing that I gave him a schematic. I complied, and he spent the next week hacking away on the EDA software. When i saw him again, he very proudly handed me a USB flash drive, containing the EDA design, but no schematic! Oh well, let us take a chance and see what happens… I mean, how bad could it be…

I took a good look at the design, making sure that it was at least electrically sound, with all the connections made to the right components, in the right way.

That part all passed, but, as we can clearly see, the layout could be very much improved. I decided to NOT change anything on the PCB, to keep the work original.

Manufacturing the PCB

The PCB, together with a stencil, arrived from PCBWay on about the 15th of this month.

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to who will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here


The PCB was assembled with help of a stencil.

Technically, this PCB does not actually need it, as the components are large enough to manually place solder paste. This being a student project, I did however choose to get the stencil to try and assure the best possible chance of success..

Placing components only took a few minutes, after which the PCB was reflowed with hot air – no need for a hotplate here!

Through-hole components took only another few minutes to solder into place, and then testing could commence.

My thoughts – a very “gentle” critique

The board could be smaller, but due to the fact that this is a “very first PCB ever” and also a first SMD PCB at that, I can understand that it may still be quite difficult to understand how small the components really are, as well as lay them out properly.

Components are mostly all over the board, without a clear “group by function” kind of mindset. This once again comes back to experience.

GPIO pins are not notated. This will really make the board difficult to use.
The power supply input is in the center of the PCB. This is definitely not ideal.

In general, track sizes could have been bigger, especially on the Power and Ground lines. No ground plane was poured on either layer.

So does it work?
Yes, surprisingly it does. We shall see more of it in the near future, when I task the creator with using it to perform some task. That way, he can experience first hand the difficulties of the design, and also learn practically why certain things need to be improved.

XIAO RP2040 Mouse Ver 3.0

Over the last few months, We have been steadily improving the design of our XIAO RP2040-based mouse device. With this, ver 3.0 all the hardware bugs were finally eliminated, and we also placed the device into its first-ever enclosure.

Let us take a look at the design

The PCB and Schematic

The PCB is a very strange shape, with lots of cut-outs. This is to accommodate the big push buttons that will be mounted in the enclosure, as well as to fit nicely into the mounting area of the enclosure… This design took quite some time with a pair of callipers and CAD, but all went well, and the shape is perfectly accurate.

The schematic is also straight forward, with the only real changes begin to the rotary encoder. In ver 2.0, We connected the encoder to the MCP23008, but for some reason CircuitPython does not seem to like an encoder connected to an IO extender… That forced us to do some software hack to use the encoder… I have thus decided to change things around in ver 3.0 and move the encoder back to the native GPIO on the XIAO RP2040

It is also interesting to note that the circuit was initially designed for the XIAO ESP32S3, but due to issues with stock, as well as crazy prices on local parts, we made a quick turn-around and went back to the RP2040. The ESP32S3 was going to allow us to implement a wireless device, through using ESPNow protocol… That may still be done in future, but for now, I think we have done enough work on the mouse device for the time being…

Manufacturing the PCB and Assembly

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to who will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here

Assembly was quite easy, I chose to use a stencil, because the IO Expander chip has a very tiny footprint, as well as a leadless package… The stencil definitely helps prevent excessive solder paste, as well as saves a lot of time on reworking later…

In the picture above, we can clearly see why I had to design the PCB with such an irregular shape.

Firmware and Coding

We are still using CircuitPython for the firmware on this device. It is not perfect, but it works, well sort of anyway. What does that mean? Well… As far as the mouse functions are concerned, clicking, scrolling, moving the pointer – all of that is works perfectly, and thus allows me to use the device for basic operations every day. Drag and Drop, as well as selecting and or highlighting text DOES NOT work. This seem to be an issue with the HID code in Circuitpython, meaning it doesn’t seem to be implemented. It is also way beyond my abilities to implement it myself…

Below is the file, with the below that

import time
import board
import busio
from rainbowio import colorwheel
import neopixel
import rotaryio
import microcontroller
from digitalio import Direction
from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008
import digitalio
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
mcp = MCP23008(i2c)

from analogio import AnalogIn
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.mouse import Mouse
joyX = board.A0
joyY = board.A1
JoyBtn = board.D2

LeftBtn = 0
CenterBtn = 1
RightBtn = 2
UpBtn = 3
DownBtn = 4
EncoderBtn = 5

mouse = Mouse(usb_hid.devices)
xAxis = AnalogIn(joyX)
yAxis = AnalogIn(joyY)

pixel_pin = board.NEOPIXEL
num_pixels = 1
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, brightness=0.1, auto_write=False)

leftbutton = mcp.get_pin(LeftBtn)
leftbutton.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
leftbutton.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

centerbutton = mcp.get_pin(CenterBtn)
centerbutton.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
centerbutton.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

maint_btn = digitalio.DigitalInOut(JoyBtn)

rightbutton = mcp.get_pin(RightBtn)
rightbutton.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
rightbutton.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

enc_btn = mcp.get_pin(EncoderBtn)
enc_btn.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
enc_btn.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

scroll_up = mcp.get_pin(UpBtn)
scroll_up.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
scroll_up.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

scroll_down = mcp.get_pin(DownBtn)
scroll_down.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
scroll_down.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

mousewheel = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(board.D6, board.D7, 4)
last_position = mousewheel.position

move_speed = 3
enc_down = 0

RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 150, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
CYAN = (0, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
PURPLE = (180, 0, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

if move_speed == 0:
    in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -20, 20)
    filter_joystick_deadzone = (
        lambda x: int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
        if abs(x - 32768) > 500
        else 0
if move_speed == 1:
    in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -15, 15)
    filter_joystick_deadzone = (
        lambda x: int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
        if abs(x - 32768) > 500
        else 0
if move_speed == 2:
    in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -10, 10)

filter_joystick_deadzone = (
        lambda x: int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
        if abs(x - 32768) > 500
        else 0
if move_speed == 3:
    in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -8, 8)
    filter_joystick_deadzone = (
        lambda x: int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
        if abs(x - 32768) > 500
        else 0
if move_speed == 4:
    in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -5, 5)
    filter_joystick_deadzone = (
        lambda x: int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)
        if abs(x - 32768) > 500
        else 0

while True:
    # Set mouse accelleration ( speed)
    if move_speed == 0:
        in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -20, 20)
        filter_joystick_deadzone = (
            lambda x: int(
                (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
            if abs(x - 32768) > 500
            else 0
    if move_speed == 1:
        in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -15, 15)
        filter_joystick_deadzone = (
            lambda x: int(
                (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
            if abs(x - 32768) > 500
            else 0
    if move_speed == 2:
        in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -10, 10)
        filter_joystick_deadzone = (
            lambda x: int(
                (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
            if abs(x - 32768) > 500
            else 0
    if move_speed == 3:
        in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -8, 8)
        filter_joystick_deadzone = (
            lambda x: int(
                (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
            if abs(x - 32768) > 500
            else 0
    if move_speed == 4:
        in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max = (0, 65000, -5, 5)
        filter_joystick_deadzone = (
            lambda x: int(
                (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
            if abs(x - 32768) > 500
            else 0

    current_position = mousewheel.position
    position_change = current_position - last_position

    x_offset = filter_joystick_deadzone(xAxis.value) * -1  # Invert axis
    y_offset = filter_joystick_deadzone(yAxis.value)
    mouse.move(x_offset, y_offset, 0)

    if enc_btn.value and enc_down == 1:
        move_speed = move_speed + 1
        if move_speed > 4:
            move_speed = 0

        # print (move_speed)
        enc_down = 0

    if not enc_btn.value:
        enc_down = 1

    if leftbutton.value:
        # pixels.fill(BLACK)

    if centerbutton.value:

    # Center button on joystick
    if maint_btn.value:

    if rightbutton.value:
        # pixels.fill(BLACK)

    if not scroll_up.value:

    if not scroll_down.value:

    if not scroll_up.value and not scroll_down.value:
        for x in range(4):

    if position_change > 0:
    elif position_change < 0:
    last_position = current_position

import storage
import board, digitalio
import time
from rainbowio import colorwheel
import neopixel
import busio
from digitalio import Direction
from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008
import digitalio
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
mcp = MCP23008(i2c)

#button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D8)
#button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

button = mcp.get_pin(6)
button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
button.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

Rstbutton = mcp.get_pin(7)
Rstbutton.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
Rstbutton.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP

pixel_pin = board.NEOPIXEL
num_pixels = 1
pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin,num_pixels,brightness=0.2,auto_write=False)

RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255,150, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
CYAN = (0, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
PURPLE = (180, 0, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

# Disable devices only if button is not pressed.
#usb_hid.enable((), boot_device=2)
if button.value:
    usb_cdc.enable(console=True, data=False)

# Write your code here :-)

Assembling the Mushroom House Controller – Part 2

A Collaboration with Maesai Prasisart School, Measai, Chiang Rai, Thailand

In part two of the project, we let the students assemble the Mushroom house controller that they helped to design. It is important to note that they have never done any of this before, and also that most of the components are SMD.

This made for some interesting moments…

The PCB Arrives

The PCB arrived from the factory, and after an initial inspection by myself, we took it to the school so that a specially selected group of students can try their hand at assembling it.

One of the first remarks by the students was that everything was so tiny… Having never seen SMD assembly, they wrongly assumed that they would be required to manually solder the components using traditional solder and a soldering iron… This feeling of “dismay” was greatly increased when we started laying out the small bags with components.

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to who will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here

The Assembly

To make things easier for them, I had previously selected all components, and together with a label and component designators, placed each component into a separate anti-static plastic bag. This achieved two things – it shielded the students from having to handle reels of components, potentially resulting in a lot of wastage, and it make it almost impossible to place a wrong component in a wrong place, as each of the bags were clearly marked with the specific component designator of the component it contained.

Their feelings of “dismay” were quickly replaced with wonder as I used a stencil to apply solder paste to the PCB. There were also confusing present, as they could not understand how the “sticky” solder would melt and keep the component in place. They were also quite worried about placing the components onto the PCB – that was until they saw that there was a selection of fine tweezers set out to use for exactly this purpose…

They now became very excited and took turns to each place a few components onto the PCB. I took special care to keep the diodes, optic isolators and microcontroller well away from them, at least until I explained that these components were polarised, or had to be placed in a specific orientation onto the board.

After a bit of struggling with the diodes, as well as the microcontroller, all the SMD components were eventually correctly placed onto the PCB. I now took over and used a hotplate to reflow the PCB.

This process completely amazed them, or at least, most of them, as some took this opportunity to continue with the ever present interaction of students and mobile phones that are so common in SE Asia 🙂

The PCB was now reflowed, and after a short break to let things cool down, we continued with the soldering and assembly of the through-hole components.

The proceedings would not be complete without a group photo of the students and the PCB that they assembled.

Conclusion of part 2

With the PCB now assembled, I used my desktop CNC machine to cut acrylic plastic to form a protective shell. The PCB will soon be installed at the remote site shown in part 1, and while it will be inside a IP65 electrical enclosure, I still felt the need for a little bit of added protection.

The firmware development is complete, and we are currently busy bringing the students up to date with the exact operation thereof. Our goal is that they would at least try to create their own version of the firmware for use in the electronics lab, as well as a comparison between my version of the firmware and theirs.

From the smiles on their faces during the entire process, it was quite obvious that they really enjoyed this project.

“The Emergency Mouse” – A project born out of necessity

Imagine You are working on a project late on a Friday evening and suddenly your mouse stops working… You can not scroll, and the right-side button won’t respond to your clicks… At the same time, you have a project design that has got to get finished… and the shops are all closed already…

These were the circumstances that led to the birth of “The Emergency Mouse” – A project born out of necessity. How did I solve my problem?

Having access to a lot of electronic modules saved the day. As a maker, I always have various modules and gadgets lying around, and on this unfortunate evening, I remember that the RP2040 has USB HID support. Combine that with a simple Analog Joystick module, a rotary encoder and some push buttons, add about 30 minutes worth of browsing the internet, struggling along with a broken mouse – we have to give the old one credit, it had a very long and hard life, and I finally found some example code that did not just jiggle the mouse pointer or do something equally silly…

The only problem with all of that was that the code was for CircuitPython… I generally dislike using Python on a Microcontroller, as I believe it is better suited for the computer, but, I am warming up to the idea… slowly…

The initial fix – a mess of wires on a breadboard

I quickly grabbed a RaspBerry Pi Pico out of a box, plugged it into a breadboard, loaded Circuitpyth and fired up the example code I got on the internet… While promising, It did not exactly do what I wanted… so a few minutes later, after some coding, I had a moving pointer, controlled by the small thumb joystick module, and with the center button as a “right button”…

So far so good… I can work more easily, but still did not have scrolling… so lets hit the datasheets and documentation on the Adafruit Website (not sponsored) and add a rotary encoder… works well, add more buttons, etc etc…

Eventually it was all done, and about 1 hour has passed, but we were left with a huge ugly mess on a breadboard, and a lot of unused GPIO pins.. So this Pico must go… it can be used for something more useful later…

Then my eye fell on a SEEED Studio XIAO RP2040 module, almost begging to be used… This is smaller, more compact… lets try that …

Initial breadboard version, here shown with the SEEED Studio XIAO RP2040

What functions did this “mouse” have

After changing to the XIAO RP2040, things went very quick…

I added two buttons for scrolling up and down, simulating a mouse wheel,
but kept the encoder… which, while VERY awkward to use at this stage, definitely had potential in the long run…

I also added another button to take over the function of a right button, while the center button on the joystick became left…

Disaster averted, with only about 2 hours wasted, I returned to my project and managed to get it finished using the “improvised-mouse-on-the-breadboard” contraption…

That night, while lying in bed, trying to get to fall asleep, the possibilities of this “contraption-on-the-breadboard” would not let me go… I am fairly old-school, and during the late 80’s and early 90’s owned quite a few “roller-ball” mouse devices… these later became trackballs, and being excessively overpriced, was promptly removed from my environment – the old ones did not last very long, and the new ones were, as I said, overly expensive…

I did however never forget the ease of use that first “rollerball mouse” gave me all that years ago, using only my thumb to move it around etc etc…

This idea would have to be investigated, and turned into a PCB… with that, I finally drifted off to sleep…

The PCB design

The next morning came, and due to reasons unknown, as well as being lazy, I decided not to leave the house, and go buy a new mouse. lets try online… No, they are crazy – I am not paying that for a mouse!

All the time using the “contraption-on-the-breadboard”. So this thing started growing on me… lets design a PCB

The Initial PCB design

After a few hours spent on deciding on optimal layout, I came up with this…
It was still a bit unrefined, but definitely had potential… It lacked a dedicated center button, and those momentary push-buttons requires a lot of force to use… but as a prototype, why not…

Let’s get this manufactured.

For this build, since I used a SEEED Studio module, I decided to send it to SEEED for manufacturing… no need to get components from various places, as they should have all in stock…

Seeed Studio’s Fusion service seamlessly marries convenience with full-feature capabilities in one simple platform. Whether you are prototyping or looking for a mass production partner or based on open source product customization requirements and other design manufacturing services, Seeed Studio Fusion service is catered to your needs starting with a simple online platform.

The PCB arrives from the factory

During the entire time that it took for the PCB to be manufactured and assembled, I was still using this “homemade mouse” – I started calling it a mouse now… and it was still on the breadboard… I never did bother to buy a new mouse, yet..

The PCB Arrived today, and apart from a few small soldering issues, looked great… I still had to do a bit of assembly on my own, as there was an issue with the components I wanted being out of stock.. I have plenty in stock of my own, so opted to do manual assembly…

The completed PCB now only needed a joystick, and some firmware…

After adding a few button caps, and mounting everything to a piece of acrylic plate, I had a working prototype…

The Firmware

As mentioned above, the device runs on CircuitPyton. As Such, there are quite a lot of “examples” on the internet, showing you how to do many USB HID “mouse” like things, but generally being completely useless…

I have thus spent quite a lot of time up to now, writing and refining my own version of the firmware, that is actually useful and does actually work.

It has the following features:
X-Y axis control of the mouse pointer via a thumb joystick, with a left click function on the center joystick button, as well as a dedicated “left” button.

A dedicated “right” button
A “virtual center” button made up of simultaneously pressing left and right

Up and down scrolling either using the rotary encoder as a “mouse wheel” or via dedicated up and down pushbuttons.

A dedicated Reset button – this is necessary, as I can not seem to get the device to initialise correctly at computer bootup.

Various software functions, like changing the pointer acceleration by pressing the center button on the rotary encoder

and most importantly, hiding the Circuitpyton drive, only showing it when I actually need access to the code in this device…

Various statuses are indicated using the NeoPixel on the XIAO, making it easy to see in what state the device is operating.

As such, I shall NOT be releasing the firmware at this moment, as it is still far from being perfect. It works, but it can be way better…

Summary and next steps

Since its “birth” late on a Friday night, about 3 weeks ago, I have been using this device, in its various forms as my primary pointer device. It is growing on me more every day, and it is quite comfortable to use – If we ignore the fact that it is not in a suitable enclosure and that I am still making small changes to the firmware from time to time.

I am already planning the next revision, in which I shall replace the momentary push-buttons with proper microswitches, as well as try my hand at designing a proper enclosure.

If you are a 3D printing expert and want to collaborate with me on this, let’s talk…

Multi-Purpose IO Card

When we are working on a prototype, we always need access to pushbuttons, encoders and even displays to test our ideas in the real world. This Multi-Purpose IO Card was designed to help me do just that…

What is on the PCB?

This PCB was designed with my particular work style in mind. I use a lot of I2C devices, IO Expanders, Displays and sensors. It would thus make sense to have I2C on the PCB, to control an OLED display, as well as a PCF8574 IO expander, that is used to drive a 4×4 Matrix Keypad. Two Rotary encoders, as well as another 4 standard push buttons completes the PCB…

The features, summarised is as follows:

1x Matrix Keypad (4×4) Controlled via an PCF8574 IO expander with selectable addressing.
1x SSD1306 OLED I2C Display
4x Momentary pushbuttons, configured to be used with internal pullups – i.e pushing the button pulls the GPIO LOW
2x Rotary Encoders, with integrated Pushbutton, also configured as Active LOW

The board has all of the connectors and jumpers on the back, making it possible to mount it to an enclosure as a control panel.

I have also provided an additional I2C header to make it possible to add additional devices to the I2C bus easily

The PCB in Detail


Starting from left to right, we have two push-buttons, an OLED display, with two rotary encoders below the display, and another two momentary push buttons. On the Right, we have a 4×4 matrix keypad, and various pin headers for connection to a microcontroller of your choice.

On the back, we have the PCF8574 IO expander for the Matric keypad, addressing Jumpers for the IO expander, as well as the two pin headers for connections to and from a microcontroller…

The Pinouts of these are as follows:
Horizontal 15 pin 2.54mm connector
SDA I2C Data
SCA I2C Clock


SW4 Momentary Push Button 4
SW3 Momentary Push Button 3
SW2 Momentary Push Button 2
SW1 Momentary Push Button 1

RE2-D Rotary Encoder 2 Push Button
RE2-B Rotary Encoder 2 Pin B
RE2-A Rotary Encoder 2 Pin A

RE1-D Rotary Encoder 1 Push Button
RE1-B Rotary Encoder 1 Pin B
RE1-A Rotary Encoder 1 Pin A

VCC 3.3v to 5v DC

The Expansion header extends the I2C Bus, as well as proved access to the interrupt pin on the PCF8574. VCC and GND are also provided.

The Schematic

Manufacturing the PCB

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to that will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here

Assembly and Testing

The assembly of this PCB was relatively easy, as it contains only a single SMD component. I do however have to alert you to a certain caveat…

On the PCB, the I2C OLED display pinout is, from left to right,


I have however come across similar displays that swap the GND and VCC pins… and some that even have SCL and SDA swapped…

It is thus quite important that you check your display BEFORE soldering it to this PCB…

Addressing the PCF8574 is also quite easy, with the jumper towards the top is a high, and towards the bottom is a low… They are marked A2 A1 A0 and thus, counting in binary, all low will be 0x20h and all high will be ox27h

Also, note that there are NO I2C Pullup resistors on the board. My microcontroller PCB’s usually have these already, and most I2C Sensors, including the OLED Display that we use, already include as well…
You should thus check what you have on your own hardware, as it is quite impossible to cater for every situation… In a future version, I may add selectable pullup resistors onto this board as well…

Coding and Firmware

The possible uses of this board is quite broad, and the code possibilities are thus also quite extensive. Since I mainly use ESPHome or the Arduino IDE with most of my projects, I wont be including any specialised code here. I think it is enough to say that almost all of the available PCF8574 Matrix Keypad libraries available for the Arduino IDE will fork with this board…

The pinouts are important, and thus :

Row 0 – P0
Row 1 – P1
Row 2 – P2
Row 4 – P3

Col 0 – P7
Col 1 – P6
Col 2 – P5
Col 3 – P4

As far as ESPHome goes, you will need to
1) Add an I2c bus for your device
2)Add a PCF8574 component
3)Add a Matrix Keypad component, and refer the rows and columns to the pins on the PCF8574 – See below for an example of how I have done that in a previous project.

#I2C bus


sda: 4

scl: 5

scan: true

id: I2C_Bus

# In my case, SDA is on GPIO4 and SCL is on GPIO5
# This is similar to the standard configuration on a NodeMCU v2 Dev board

# The next step is to configure the actual IO Expander, which in my case is located 
# at address 0x27



- id: 'pcf8574_hub'

address: 0x27

pcf8575: false

# Now we can add the actual keypad interface to the YAML file
# Take note of the difference from the ESP32 file above.



id: mykeypad


- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 0

# In the ESP32 file, we wHereould specify a pin directly like:
# -pin: 17
# That approach will not work for us.
# The reason for that is that we have to redirect the GPIO to a 
# physical pin on the PCF8574 IO expander.
# That is done with the following syntax
# - pin:
#pcf8574: pcf8574_hub -- This is the ID of the PCF8574 device -
#number: 0 -- The actual pin number

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 1

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 2

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 3


- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 7

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 6

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 5

- pin:

pcf8574: pcf8574_hub

# Use pin number 0

number: 4

keys: "123A456B789C*0#D"

has_diodes: false

The Rotary encoders and momentary push-buttons can be handled in the same manner, using standard libraries in the Arduino IDE, or a rotary encoder component in ESPHome…

The OLED display would also be handled as above, with a DISPLAY component in ESPHome…

Summary and next steps

The next steps, for me at least, would be to design and CNC cut a suitable enclosure for the IO panel/Control panel in order to make it easier to use…

The panel was designed to be a tool to aid me while designing, and part of my never-ending battle getting rid of breadboards.

It does its job well, at least so far, and works as I have intended it to.

Simple Smart Light Controller

Adding a bit of automation to a certain area of the house can definitely help with saving energy. With this Simple Smart Light Controller, I aimed to do just that… Let me give you a tiny bit of context… Houses in SE Asia are built to some “questionable” standards and designs, and electrical installations are usually even more suspect… Our house is no exception. Being a rental, I do not want to go and make changes unless things are outright dangerous… Kitchens are usually a mixture of inside/outside areas, and this is where my device fits in…

The light in the outside kitchen consists of a simple bulb that the owner has routed into the house via an electrical flex cord, at least that was standard… But, due to laziness or just whatever, that cord was never terminated into a proper switch… He just added a plug. This is thus my opportunity to make life a bit easier for myself in that area. I could have opted for a standard switch, but then, automating this can take care of another problem… We constantly forget to switch that light off, as the plug is in a “strange place” that is not usually associated with the kitchen lights…

What I have thus come up with is a simple ESP8266-based solution with a single relay ( optically isolated from the board), as well as a few additional GPIO pins, just in case I want to hang some additional sensors onto this in the future.

The device should also be powered directly from the mains, as adding another external AC to DC adapter would definitely NOT do at all!

What is on the PCB

Lets look at the empty PCB, in order to understand better what is where on the board.

Starting on the Left Side, at the bottom corner, we have our mains voltage input, 220V or 110V, depending on where you live. That goes directly into U1, which is a AC-to-DC converter, providing 3.3v at 1A to the board. Note that I did not place a fuse directly on the board. I prefer to have an inline fuse on the line, which is also accessible from the enclosure.

A series of cutouts on the PCB provides additional mains isolation and also prevents mains voltage tracking towards other tracks in the event of a fault.
The Mains area also does not have a copper pour.

In the top left corner, towards the center, is a WAKE jumper. This is connected to GPIO16 and can be used to wake the ESP8266 from “deep sleep” if configured in the firmware.

Relay K1, and its screw terminal connector is in the bottom center of the board, with the relay contacts clearly labelled.

On the right of the PCB, we have the programming header, complete with Auto Flash and Reset circuitry, as well as manual Flash and Reset Buttons below that.

A 3×3 header connector follows, with access to 3.3v, Ground as well as 3 additional GPIO pins for other applications.

Finally, we have the relay control switch, with a few options to connect external switches, either on the 2.54mm header, or via wires soldered to the pads marked SW-A and SW-B

The populated PCB will thus make more sense if we look at the picture above now since we had a detailed look at it above…

The Schematic is made available at the link above.

Configuration and Software

This build was designed with ESPHome in mind, so we will focus on that there.
You can however very easily use standard Arduino/ESP8266 code to control this as well…

The YAML configuration for the device will be as follows: (note that this is quite simplified, as I am still fine-tuning the actual features that I require)

  name: smart-switch-01
  friendly_name: SMART-SWITCH-01

  board: nodemcuv2
  restore_from_flash: true

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "hfYNn8KSbVq26rGkPOJo4yLj/d/WY7Hk0H3TmxlWZAU="

  password: "85ed2a8afcd61d0f4c65db7b92bdacc5"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Smart-Switch-01 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "XovAx4n1H1qT"


  - platform: wifi_info
      name: IP Address
      name: SSID
      name: BSSID
      name: Wifi MAC
      name: WiFi Scan Results

  - platform: adc
    pin: VCC
    name: "ESP8266 Chip Voltage"
    id: mcu_voltage
    unit_of_measurement: "V"
    device_class: "voltage"
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    update_interval: 60s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal Sensor"
    id: wifi_strength
    device_class: "signal_strength"
    unit_of_measurement: "dBm"
    update_interval: 240s
    entity_category: "diagnostic"

  - platform: copy # Reports the WiFi signal strength in %
    source_id: wifi_strength
    name: "WiFi Signal Strength"
      - lambda: return min(max(2 * (x + 100.0), 0.0), 100.0);
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"

 # - platform: status_led
 #   pin: GPIO13
 #   id: status_indicator
 #   name: "ID Light"
  - platform: binary
    name: "Kitchen Outside Light"
    output: relay_01
    id: kitchen_light
    - light.turn_on:
        id: slow_light
        effect: "Slow Pulse"

    - light.turn_off: slow_light

  - platform: monochromatic
    id: slow_light
    output: light_status
    restore_mode: RESTORE_AND_OFF
      - pulse:
          name: "Slow Pulse"
          # transition_length: 1s      # defaults to 1s
          update_interval: 2s

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO5
        input: true
        pullup: true
    id: kitchen_light_toggle
      - delayed_on: 200ms
      - delayed_off: 200ms
        - light.toggle: kitchen_light
  - platform: status
    name: "Kitchen Light Controller"
  - platform: restart
    name: "Restart Device"

# Relay output
  - platform: gpio
    id: relay_01
    pin: GPIO4
    inverted: true
  - platform: esp8266_pwm
    id: light_status
    pin: GPIO12

Manufacturing the PCB

I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing. Why? What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to that will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here

Assembly and Testing

This device does not need a stencil for assembly, but using one will definitely speed up things. I chose to do this build all by hand, from applying solder-paste, up to placing components.

Soldering was done on a hotplate, as usual, to reflow everything at the same time. TH components were then placed and hand-soldered.

Uploading the initial firmware, after adding the device to ESPHome was done with an external USB-to-UART converter. All further firmware changes were made via OTA.

Enclosure and some of the wiring

It is important to mention here that this PCB is powered by mains voltage. I chose to use an inline fuse, BEFORE the connector on the PCB. It is also notable that the relay common is connected to the live wire, BEFORE the fuse, as the lightbulb acts as its own fuse – it blows when a fault occurs.

The Lightbulb neutral will be connected to the circuit breaker, together with the device live and neutral.

This way, the fuse only acts on the actual device, and I can use a lower-rating fuse, since I do not have to accommodate the current from the lightbulb as well…


The device works as planned, with no problems…
Below is some pictures from it in Home Assistant

An I2C Matrix Keypad

The completed I2C Matrix Keypad

In a previous post this month I introduced my 4×4 matrix keypad. That keypad was designed to be directly interfaced to a microcontroller’s GPIO pins or alternatively to an IO expander chip like the PCF8574. That design, while working very well had the problem of requiring 8 GPIO pins to function correctly.

GPIO pins on a microcontroller can be considered very precious resources, and it should then be logical to assume that we should find a way to use these GPIO pins in a more conservative way, to allow us to interface more peripherals.

I solved this problem by integrating the keypad with an IO Expander on the same PCB. That will allow us to get away with using only 2 GPIO pins, and also open up the option of adding more keypads to the I2C bus, in the event that we need that many keys for a particular project.

The Schematic

I2C 4×4 Matrix Keypad Schematic

Looking closely at the schematic, we can see that it is exactly the same basic keypad circuit that I used in the initial design. The only difference is that in this design, I have integrated a PCF8574 directly onto the PCB.

Some additional features include selectable I2C Pullup resistors ( usually my microcontroller development boards already include those) that can be activated with a jumper when needed. There are also a set of address selection jumpers, making it possible to stack keypads together into a bigger keyboard if you require something like that. Note that, in this version of the hardware, I did not include headers for stacking.

The keypad can be powered by a DC power source of 3.3v to 5v.


I2C Keypad PCB
3D Render of the I2C Keypad

The PCB is a double-layer board of 68.8mm x 50.8mm. Male header pins provide access to the connections as well as address and pullup resistor jumpers. In my build, I have mounted these male headers on the back of the PCB. That makes it possible to mount the Keypad in an enclosure without having the jumpers “stick out” and get in the way.

The top layer of the I2C Keypad PCB
Bottom Layer


I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing.
This month, PCBWay is also celebrating its 9th anniversary, and that means that there are quite a lot of very special offers available.

What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to that will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here


The assembly of this PCB was quite easy and quick. A stencil is not required. All SMD components are 0805 or bigger. It would thus be quite easy to solder them all by hand with a fine-tipped soldering iron.

I have however used soldering paste and hot air to reflow the components, as it is the fastest, in my opinion, and definitely looks neater than hand soldering.

After placing SMD components onto solder paste – ready for reflow soldering
After Reflow soldering with Hot Air

The board is now ready to solder the switches and header pins in place. As already mentioned above, I chose to assemble the headers on the back of the PCB to prevent them from interfering with any enclosure that I may later use with the keypad.

Final Assembly
Note that I assembled the headers onto the back of the PCB.

Testing and Coding

Testing the keypad consisted of a few steps, the first of which was ensuring that there were no short circuits, as well as that all the momentary switches worked.
This was done with a multimeter in continuity as well as diode mode, with probes alternatively on each column and row in turn, while pressing the buttons.

The next stage was testing the I2C IO Expander. This was done with a simple I2C Scanning sketch on an Arduino Uno. It did not do a lot, but, I could see that the PCF8574 is responding to its address and that the pullup resistors work when enabled. This test was repeated with my own ESP8266 and ESP32 boards, this time with pullup resistors disabled, as these boards already have them onboard.

Coding came next, and it was another case of perspectives. It seems like all commercial keypads do not have diodes. This affects the way that they work with a given library. It seems that software developers and hardware developers have different understandings of what a row and a column is.

This meant that, due to the fact that I have diodes on each switch, and the way that the library work – which pins are pulled high and which are set as inputs -, I had to swap around my rows and columns in the software to get everything to work. On a keypad with the diodes replaced with 0-ohm links, that was not needed.

A short test sketch follows below:

Note that with was run on an ESP8266-12E, therefore the Wire.begin() function was changed to Wire.begin(4,5); in order to use GPIO 4 and GPIO 5 for I2C

Another point to note is that the keypad Layout will seem strange. Remember that this is due to the diodes in series on each switch. That forces us to swap around the Rows and the Columns in the software, resulting in a mirrored and rotated left representation of the keypad. It looks funny, but believe me, it actually still works perfectly.

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Keypad.h"
#include <Keypad_I2C.h>

const byte n_rows = 4;
const byte n_cols = 4;

char keys[n_rows][n_cols] = {
    {'1', '4', '7', '*'},
    {'2', '5', '8', '0'},
    {'3', '6', '9', '#'},
    {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}};

byte rowPins[n_rows] = {4, 5, 6, 7};
byte colPins[n_cols] = {0, 1, 2, 3};

Keypad_I2C myKeypad = Keypad_I2C(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, n_rows, n_cols, 0x20);

String swOnState(KeyState kpadState)
    switch (kpadState)
    case IDLE:
        return "IDLE";
    case PRESSED:
        return "PRESSED";
    case HOLD:
        return "HOLD";
    case RELEASED:
        return "RELEASED";
    } // end switch-case
    return "";
} // end switch on state function

void setup()
    // This will be called by App.setup()
    while (!Serial)
    { /*wait*/
    Serial.println("Press any key...");

char myKeyp = NO_KEY;
KeyState myKSp = IDLE;
auto myHold = false;

void loop()

    char myKey = myKeypad.getKey();
    KeyState myKS = myKeypad.getState();

    if (myKSp != myKS && myKS != IDLE)
        Serial.print("myKS: ");
        myKSp = myKS;
        if (myKey != NULL)
            myKeyp = myKey;
        String r;
        r = myKeyp;
        Serial.println("myKey: " + String(r));
        if (myKS == HOLD)
            myHold = true;
        if (myKS == RELEASED)
            if (myHold)
                r = r + "+";
            myHold = false;
        myKey == NULL;
        myKS = IDLE;


This project once again delivered what I set out to achieve. It has some quirks, but nothing serious. Everything works as expected, both in the Arduino IDE/platform IO realm, as well as in ESPHome. It is worth noting that in ESPHome, we do not need to swap the rows and columns to use the Keypad component. Do remember to leave the has_diodes flag to false though…

ESP32-S DEV Board – Rev 2.0

A few months ago, I started to work on an ESP32-S SOC module in Arduino Uno form factor. This is Revision 2.0 – the ESP32-S Dev Board – Rev 2.0

During the time since I designed, and ultimately had the Rev 1.0 PCB manufactured, It has quickly become one of my go-to development platforms, something that I hoped it would become. It also seemed to be gaining popularity online, with quite a few of them being ordered.

Problems did however arise, as the manufacturer discontinued the SOC module, the AI-Thinker ESP32-S, but, as this was based on the ESP32 WROOM32 from Espressif, which, while still old, was still in production, it was not a serious problem.

Using the Rev 1.0 device was easy enough, but I soon started to experience some irritation, as in my attempts to build a very streamlined device, I left out some add-on components, that now seemed to be a very good idea to have on board…
Let me explain:

In the initial design, I did not include a DC barrel connector, as well as no USB port with a USB-to-serial converter, my argument being that the USB port is usually only used a few times, or at most once, as I usually upload firmware to ESP32’s OTA. Power ( on the bench that is, is usually supplied via a pair of wires, so no dedicated connector seemed to be necessary.

As I proceeded to design addon shields for the device, it became clear that that power connector, at minimum, as well as the standard 2-transistor reset/flash circuit, would be a very very welcome addition to this PCB.

See the pictures below for a comparison of the two boards…

ESP32-S Dev Board Rev 1.0
ESP32-S Dev Board Rev 1.0
ESP32-S Dev board Rev 2.0
ESP32-S Dev Board Rev 2.0

I have also decided to use male header pins on this build, as I sort of like to use them more than the female ones ( which seem to develop connectivity issues after a while – this could be due to the quality of the connector strips that I bought)

What changed, and how?

I made quite a few changes, most of them quite subtle.
The most obvious would be the addition of a DC Barrel connector, to allow the device to be powered easier when used as a permanent project. In addition to this, a 6-pin programming header was added, in order to make flashing the device with an external USB-to-serial adapter easier than usual. ( This means that the standard 2-transistor reset/flash circuit was also added). That meant a slight increase in the component count. Additional decoupling capacitors were also added to add voltage stability to the ESP32-S. The routing of the entire board was also changed, with more attention being paid to the heat dissipation of the ESP32-S module, which tended to get a bit hot.

Power is provided by a 3.3v LDO regulator, the same as in the Rev 1.0 hardware.
I do plan to change this to a small buck converter in the near future, as the 800mA provided by the LDO regulator can get a bit limited, especially when using I2S Audio devices, something which I am doing quite a lot over the last few months.


I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing.
This month, PCBWay is also celebrating its 9th anniversary, and that means that there are quite a lot of very special offers available.

What makes them different from the rest?

PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to that will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here


This PCB will definitely benefit from using a stencil, but it is not strictly necessary. I did however get one, as I prefer the uniform solder-paste application and speed that they give me.

Stencil for SMD assembly

Component placing took only about 10 minutes in total, including the time needed to place and use the stencil, apply solder paste, select components and place them in their correct positions.

After Solder paste application – Before reflow soldering

The board was then reflow soldered on a hotplate at 223 degrees Centigrade.

After Reflow soldering

The board was inspected for solder bridges and bad joints, and I then proceeded with through-hole component assembly, which took about another 10 minutes.

ESP32-S Dev board Rev 2.0
The completed PCB


This was definitely a very worthwhile revision on a very useful piece of equipment. The addition of the programming header, in particular, already saves quite a bit of time, and the DC Barrel connector opens up new possibilities for the use of the device outside of the “bench” environment.

A quick P-MOS MOSFET Driver Board


A driver is needed to switch a P-Channel MOSFET because the gate of a P-Channel MOSFET needs to be driven to a voltage that is more negative than the source in order to turn it on. This can be difficult to do with low-voltage logic, such as 5V or 3.3V. A driver can provide the necessary voltage and current to turn on the P-Channel MOSFET, even when the logic voltage is low.

Here are some of the benefits of using a driver to switch a P-Channel MOSFET:

  • Increased switching speed: A driver can provide the necessary current to charge and discharge the gate capacitance of the P-Channel MOSFET quickly, which results in faster switching speeds.
  • Reduced power consumption: A driver can help to reduce power consumption by providing the necessary current in a short pulse, rather than a continuous stream of current.
  • Improved noise immunity: A driver can help to improve noise immunity by providing a clean and isolated signal to the gate of the P-Channel MOSFET.

If you are using a P-Channel MOSFET in your circuit, it is a good idea to use a driver to switch it. This will help to ensure that the MOSFET is switched quickly and efficiently and that it is protected from noise.

Here are some of the different types of drivers that can be used to switch P-Channel MOSFETs:

  • Logic level drivers: These drivers are designed to work with low-voltage logic, such as 5V or 3.3V. They typically have a high output voltage, which can be used to drive the gate of a P-Channel MOSFET.
  • High-side drivers: These drivers are designed to provide a high voltage to the gate of a P-Channel MOSFET. They are often used in circuits where the P-Channel MOSFET is used to switch a high-voltage rail.
  • Isolated drivers: These drivers provide an isolated signal to the gate of the P-Channel MOSFET. This is useful in circuits where it is important to prevent noise from entering the circuit.

Why did I decide to design this prototype?

The Story behind the prototype

This driver PCB is part of a solution for a project involving a set of 6v LED lights.
Each of the LED lights requires +/- 300mA @ 6v to operate efficiently.
I want to control these from a Microcontroller, either an ESP32 or even the XIAO RP2040 or similar. The current sink capability of an individual GPIO pin on these microcontrollers is limited, in the case of the RP2040 it is limited to 3mA per pin.

This prototype is an attempt to test out some basic driver ideas that might perform correctly for my particular needs, being

  • To stay within the limitations of the particular microcontroller GPIO current specifications
  • To be able to use any of the particular microcontrollers, without having to design a specific solution tailored to a specific device

The Schematic

I decided to keep things extremely simple to start with, using a very simple circuit consisting of only 4 components per channel. These are :
– an S9013 NPN BJT Transistor, capable of switching up to 500mA of current
– a SI2301 P-Channel Logic Level MOSFET, capable of switching up to 2.3A
– 10k pullup-resitor
– 1k resistor on the base of the BJT

The theory of operation is as follows:
The pullup resistor, R8, keeps the gate of the MOSFET (Q4) positive, thus ensuring that Q4 stays turned off when T4 is turned off. A HIGH signal at B4 will turn on T4, which will in turn pull the gate of Q4 to ground, turning Q4 on in the process.
That will in turn turn on the load ( connected at 4+ and 4- ).

It is important to note here that the value of R8, 10K at the moment, is not finalised, and may change to increase the performance of the circuit.


The board was made to fit on a standard breadboard or be used as a standalone module, depending on the position of the male header pins.


I choose PCBWay for my PCB manufacturing.
This month, PCBWay is also celebrating its 9th anniversary, and that means that there are quite a lot of very special offers available.

Why? What makes them different from the rest?
PCBWay‘s business goal is to be the most professional PCB manufacturer for prototyping and low-volume production work in the world. With more than a decade in the business, they are committed to meeting the needs of their customers from different industries in terms of quality, delivery, cost-effectiveness and any other demanding requests. As one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers and SMT Assemblers in China, they pride themselves to be our (the Makers) best business partners, as well as good friends in every aspect of our PCB manufacturing needs. They strive to make our R&D work easy and hassle-free.

How do they do that?

PCBWay is NOT a broker. That means that they do all manufacturing and assembly themselves, cutting out all the middlemen, and saving us money.

PCBWay’s online quoting system gives a very detailed and accurate picture of all costs upfront, including components and assembly costs. This saves a lot of time and hassle.

PCBWay gives you one-on-one customer support, that answers you in 5 minutes ( from the Website chat ), or by email within a few hours ( from your personal account manager). Issues are really resolved very quickly, not that there are many anyway, but, as we are all human, it is nice to know that when a gremlin rears its head, you have someone to talk to that will do his/her best to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Find out more here


The assembly of the PCB does not require any special tools, and can be done completely by hand if you choose. A very fine-tipped soldering iron should be perfect.

I chose to go the hot-air and solder-paste route, as it is faster, and looks neater in the end. The use of a stencil was not required.

The total assembly took about 5 minutes in total.


Testing the completed PCB module was performed with one of the LED light modules connected to each MOSFET Channel in turn, and then applying a voltage signal, or ground, to the control pin ( marked A to D on the picture above)

That was followed by connecting an Oscilloscope and Signal Generator to the control pins, as well as the outputs, and observing the waveforms during operation. A square wave output from the signal generator provided the switching signal.


The module works as expected, but the pullup resistor value needs to be fine-tuned to provide a better switching response on the MOSFET at high frequency.
I am however happy with the initial performance, and can now move on to improving the circuit to perform to my specifications.