Using a Rotary Encoder

As part of an ongoing project, I recently designed an expander card for my ESP-12E I2C Base. I am referring to this device( Atmega 328P Base PWM Controller Card). At the time of writing that article, I have not released any of the code for the project. This is a very short post, showing one possible way to implement a rotary encoder onto that particular device. (It can also be adapted for other devices, of course)

Arduino Style Code for using a rotary encoder

// Constants and Variables
const int encFWD = 8;
const int encREV = 7;
int aState;
int aLastState;
int encDir;
int encTurned = LOW;
int encLastState;
int encValue = 0;
int lastEncValue;
const int encInc = 10;

unsigned long lastEncDebounce = 0;
unsigned encDebounceDelay = 50;
const int encBtn = 9;
int encButtonState;
int lastEncBtnState = LOW;
int EncBtnValue = LOW;
int encBtnState;

void setup() {
  //Rotary Encoder
  // Init the pins in UNPUT Pullup Mode
  encTurned = LOW; // Flag for encoder

  encLastState = digitalRead(encFWD);
  //Status LED on D13

void loop() {
  lastEncValue = encValue;
 //Handle the Encoder Push Button
 encBtnState = digitalRead(encBtn);
 if (encBtnState != lastEncBtnState) {
    lastEncDebounce = millis();
 if ((millis() - lastEncDebounce) > encDebounceDelay) {
    if (encBtnState != encButtonState) {
        encButtonState = encBtnState;
        if (lastEncBtnState == LOW) {
          EncBtnValue = !EncBtnValue; // Toggle the button Value
 lastEncBtnState = encBtnState;
 // Handle the Rotary Encoder Dial
 aState = digitalRead(encFWD);
 if (aState != aLastState) {
    if (digitalRead(encREV) != aState) {
       if (encTurned == LOW) {
          encLastState = encTurned;
          encTurned = HIGH; // Set Flag
// Setting this flag will get rid of double value entries caused by contact
// bounce inside the encoder. I found it easier to implement this way
// as opposed to using software debouncing as with the button

       } else {
          encTurned = LOW; // Set Flag low
// This will ensure that the value is increased only once per "click"
       if ((encValue < 300) && (encDir == 0)){
          if ((encLastState == LOW) && (encTurned == HIGH)){
            encValue = encValue + encInc;
            encDir = 1;
    } else {
      if (encTurned == LOW) {
        encLastState = encTurned;
        encTurned = HIGH;  
      } else {
        encTurned = LOW;
      if ((encValue > 0) && (encDir == 0)){
          if ((encLastState == LOW) && (encTurned == HIGH)){
            encValue = encValue - encInc;
            encDir = 2;
    encLastState = encTurned;
aLastState = aState;
encDir = 0;
// Print Some Status
if (encValue != lastEncValue) {
  Serial.print("Encoder Value Changed from ");
  Serial.print(" to ");


I hope that this will be useful to somebody.

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